by King's X

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:19 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Tape Head

Song Author

King's X

Tabbed by

Isaias Garcia (TexasFury)


1st → Vocals - lead
2nd → Rhythm - left
3rd → Vocals - backup
4th → Lead Guitar
5th → Rhythm - right
6th → Drum Set
7th → Bass Guitar

File Size

62 KB




Once I felt in-spi-red (uh-) ev-ery-thing was new. Thought I could do- a-ny-thing espe-cial-ly with you. Cold as an i-cy stream- light-er than ev-ery-thing. I thought that we were- high-er than God. Once I thought you loved me e-very-thing was true-. Thought I found my an-swer (uh-) thought it was in you-. Cold as an i-cy stream- light-er than ev-ery-thing. I thought that we were- high-er than God high-er than God. [GUITAR SOLO] Cold as an i-cy stream- light-er than e-very-thing. I thought that we were- high-er than God. Cast-les and scars a-lign- view of the tape head crime I thought that we were- high-er than God high-er than God. Transcribed by Isaias Garcia (TexasFury)